Concept drawings and original artworks on Fabriano paper, wood or maps, by Strijdom van der Merwe. These original artworks include pastel art, landscape art, study sketches for sculptures, and road markings painted with road paint. The art is inspired by the environment, specific sites, geometry, materiality, and/or in response to the local community. Two of the projects represented in these sketches and artworks are:
am/pm Shadow Lines is Strijdom Van der Merwe’s permanent land art installation located in a former De Beers mining camp (Namaqualand Mines) on the West Coast of South Africa. This work is created from the alluvial rock and gravel left behind by mining operations. It is an artist’s rejuvenation of the dead earth destroyed by many decades of mining. (source)
Land Reform, Smithsonian Museum, USA. View a video / View a slideshow
The concept drawings contained on this page remain the property of Strijdom van der Merwe. These concept drawings are protected by Copyright law and all copyright vesting in these concept drawings remains the property of Strijdom van der Merwe. Any unauthorized reproduction or adaptation of these drawings constitutes copyright infringement and is unlawful in terms of the Copyright Act